extremely rare early color
Lacking in all collections
Sclavonia oder Windisch Marck/Bossen/Crabaten/&c.
Basle, 1588
Stock#: 19363
the invention of polished armory
iconic print
exceptionally rare
Politura Armorum
Antwerp, 1588
Stock#: 19554
the invention of sugar refinery
Fourth state
Stock#: 19679
the invention of gunpowder
Pulvis Pyrius
Stock#: 19555
the invention of distillation
Stock#: 19559
the invention of stirrups
Staphae, sive Stapedes
Stock#: 19561
the discovery of silk production
Ser, sive Sericus Vermis.
Stock#: 19563
the discovery of a cure for venerial infection
Hyacum, et Lues Venerea
Stock#: 19567
the invention of the compass
Lapis Polaris Magnes
Stock#: 19557
the discovery of the Southern Cross the invention of the Astrolabium
Stock#: 19565
the invention of copper engraving
Sculptura in Aes
Stock#: 19683
the invention of book printing
Impressio Librorum
Stock#: 18948