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Old books, maps and prints by Auguste van Pers

Auguste van Pers (1815-1871)

Van Pers was born in Doornik and sailed for Indonesia after enlisting in the army. In 1839 he was appointed engraver and draughtsman in the Geographical Department of the Bureau of Statistics in the General Secretariat, Buitenzorg. A few years later, he moved to the recently established printing office of the Topographical Bureau of the Engineers. While there, he provided lithographs for Junghuhn, and at this time, he was taken on by the booksellers Ukena & Co., Batavia, to work with Ernest Hardouin. Eventually, Van Pers had to leave Indonesia because of poor health.

(Bastin and Brommer)

PERS, Auguste VAN Dutch.

Born in Doornik (Belgium), 15 June 1815.

He came to Indonesia as a military man and was appointed draughtsman in the geographical department in Bogor, Java, in 1839. In 1846 he joined Dr. C.A.L.M. Schwaner on his geological exploration of Kalimantan (Borneo). Thereafter he travelled through Java.

His Nederlandsch Oost-Indische typen (The Hague, 1856) contains 44 lithographs after drawings by his hand. His Kalimantan drawings were lithographed and used in C.A.L.M. Schwaner's 'Borneo' (Amsterdam, 1853-1854). Some drawings by his hand were used to illustrate a children's book about Indonesia by J. van Soest, 'Oost Indische bloempjes etc.' (Jakarta, 1846). Well-known artist, and one of the most prolific of 19th century Indonesia.

Died in Indonesia, 27 May 1871.

(Haks & Maris)

Auguste van Pers items for sale