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Old books, maps and prints by Ernest Alfred Hardouin

Ernest Alfred Hardouin (1820-1854)

HARDOUIN or HARDOIN, Ernest Alfred


Born in Versailles (France), 23 January 1820.

He came to Jakarta in 1842 as a stage designer with a French theatrical group. When the group dissolved, Hardouin stayed. He travelled through West Java and presumably South Sumatra. Watercolourist, painter and decor designer. His watercolours and drawings were used for lithographs to illustrate several important plate works, such as W.L. Ritter's 'Java, Toneelen uit het leven, karakterschetsen en kleederdragten van Java's bewoners' (The Hague, 1853-1855); W.L. Ritter's 'De Europeaan in Neederlandsch Indiƫ' (Leiden, 1856); 'Javasche Oudheden (The Hague, 1852-1856), 'De Indische Archipel' (The Hague, 1865-1876), and 'Een Oost-Indisch oudgast' (Jakarta, 1857).

Important artist. It is worth mentioning that there is a fine col- lection of his watercolours in the 'K.I.T.L.V.' in Leiden. Died in poverty in Jakarta, January 1854.

(Haks & Maris)

Ernest Alfred Hardouin items for sale