Port Jackson
The second Admiralty chart of Sydney Harbour
London, 1859
Stock#: 19539
Mexico and Cuzco
Pristine condition
Stunning original colour
Mexico / Cusco
Cologne, 1572
Stock#: 19577
Gold fields
Oil on wood
One of a kind
[ Gold diggers hut in the Australian gold fields ]
Australia, 1851
Stock#: 19509
Arctic monsters of the seas and lands
Monstra marina & terrestria
Basle, 1550
Stock#: 19547
excellent condition
early state
Septentrionalium Regionum Descrip.
Antwerp, 1570
Stock#: 19229
the Philippines
Typus Freti Manilensis, Die Straedt van de Manilles
Leiden, 1619
Stock#: 19479
Broadside map
Lacking in all collections
Chart shewing the Route of Steam Communication between England & Australia proposed by Lieutt. Waghorne.
Melbourne, 1846
Stock#: 19507
Nouvelle-Hollande: Nouvelle Galles du Sud. Vue de la partie meridionale de la ville de Sydney, Capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes et de l'Embouchure de la rivière Parramatta (1803.)
Paris, 1807
Stock#: 19517
Stock#: 19549
New South Wales
Map of the South East portion of Australia, shewing the progress of discovery, in the Interior of New South Wales by Major Mitchell, Survr. Genl. of the Colony.
London, 1837
Stock#: 19513
Vue de Sydney et de l'entree de la riviere de Paramatta
Paris, 1841
Stock#: 19525
Carte de l'Isle de Java Partie Occidentale, Partie Orientale
Amsterdam, 1719
Stock#: 19537