New South Wales
Map of the South East portion of Australia, shewing the progress of discovery, in the Interior of New South Wales by Major Mitchell, Survr. Genl. of the Colony.
London, 1837
Stock#: 19513
Vue de Sydney et de l'entree de la riviere de Paramatta
Paris, 1841
Stock#: 19525
Unrecorded broadsheet
Lacking in all collections
Roubaix, 1937
Stock#: 19317
the World
Early Australia?
First woodblock of three
Cosmographia Universalis
Magdeburg, 1581
Stock#: 19063
South East Asia
beautiful original colour
India quae Orientalis dicitur, et Insulae Adiacentes.
Amsterdam, 1634
Stock#: 18639
Carte Universelle Du Commerce, c'est a dire Carte Hidrographique
Paris, 1674
Stock#: 18854
the Pacific
Pars Globi terrestris Ao. 1492 a Martino Behaim Equite Lusitano Norimbergae confecti Delineavit Christoph.
Gotha, 1778
Stock#: 18708
Nouvelle-Hollande: Nouvelle Galles du Sud. Vue de la partie meridionale de la ville de Sydney, Capitale des Colonies Anglaises aux Terres Australes et de l'Embouchure de la rivière Parramatta (1803.)
Paris, 1807
Stock#: 19517
first separate map of the continent
extremely rare early color
Basle, 1540
Stock#: 19004
the Indian Ocean
legendary exploration print
of utmost rarity
[ Untitled ] Navita Erythraeum pavidus qui navigat aequor ...
Antwerp, 1578
Stock#: 19010
Universalis Tabula Iuxta Ptolemaeum
Duisburg, 1578
Stock#: 18820
the South Pacific
Mar del Zur [Untitled]
Leiden, 1619
Stock#: 19285