the World
Unrecorded wall map of the world
Eastern hemisphere only
No title [Nova Totius Orbis Tabula]
Amsterdam, 1707
Stock#: 19169
Far East, Australia, Indian Ocean
VOC navigation chart of the Indian Ocean
Lacking in all collections
Caart van D'INDISCHE ZEE van Cabo de goede Hoop tot Canton
Amsterdam, 1753
Stock#: 19233
the Dutch first fleet to the East Indies
The missing chart of the Dutch first fleet
Lacks in all collections
DESCRIPTIO HYDROGRAPHICA accommodata ad Battavorum navigationem in Javam insulam IndiƦ Orientalis, factam; ad quam postridie Calendas Aprilis ann. 1595 ex Hollandia solverunt et ex qua domum redierunt 3. Idus Augusti an. 1597. Horum exitus reditusq3 via his notis ooo demonstratur. De hac navigatione extat descriptio lectu perquam admiranda
Amsterdam, 1598
Stock#: 19018