Southeast Asia
Cornerstone map of South East Asia
Excellent condition
India Orien(talis)
Middelburg, 1598
Stock#: 19145
China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan
CHINA Veteribus Sinarum Regio nunc incolis TAME dicta.
Frankfurt, 1640
Stock#: 19275
Amsterdam, 1671
Stock#: 18300
Unobtainable first state!
Stock#: 19239
exceptionally rare
Iapaniae Regnum
Douai, 1605
Stock#: 18703
heightened in gold
Van Santen colouring
Paris, 1652
Stock#: 19263
Tartariae Sive Magni Chami Regni typus
Antwerp, 1570
Stock#: 18937
the Dutch first fleet to the East Indies
First 1598 edition
With the map of the route of the first fleet
Prima Pars Descriptionis Itineris Navalis in Indiam Orientalem.
Amsterdam, 1598
Stock#: 19601
Chinae Regnum
Stock#: 18701
South East Asia
India Orientalis
Stock#: 18704
Reys-Kaerte Vande Ambassade der Nederlantse Oost Indise Compagnie, door China aen den Grooten Tartersen Cham.
Amsterdam, 1665
Stock#: 18826
lovely original colour
Asiae nova Descriptio Auctore Jodoco Hondio
Amsterdam, 1606
Stock#: 18914