first edition
stunning original color
Imperii SINARVM nova descriptio
Amsterdam, 1655
Stock#: 18669
Shandong province
beautiful original color
pristine condition
XANTUNG, Sinarum Imperii Provincia Quarta.
Stock#: 18895
the Allegory of Asia
heightened in gold
Novus Atlas Sinensis a Martino Martinio
Stock#: 18855
First western view of any Chinese city
Lacking in every collection
Xuntien alias Quinzay.
Amsterdam, 1657
Stock#: 19371
ASIAE nove delineatio
Amsterdam, 1658
Stock#: 18960
South East Asia
First state
Beautiful original color
Ooster Deel van OOST INDIEN
Stock#: 18952
the Dutch VOC ocean navigation book
Of utmost importance
Excellent condition
't Vergulde licht der zee-vaard, ofte konst der stuurlieden.
Amsterdam, 1660
Stock#: 19247
the Allegory of Arctica
Lacking in all collections
Pristine condition
Amsterdam, 1662
Stock#: 19157
Southeast Asia
Mint condition
[ untitled ]
Paris, 1664
Stock#: 19090
Reys-Kaerte Vande Ambassade der Nederlantse Oost Indise Compagnie, door China aen den Grooten Tartersen Cham.
Amsterdam, 1665
Stock#: 18826
Australia, Far East
Pas-caert van 't Oostelyckste Deel van OOST INDIEN
Amsterdam, 1667
Stock#: 18783
Pascaerte Van 't Oostelyckste deel van OOST-INDIEN met alle de Eylanden daer onder gelegen, van Cabo Comorin tot aen Iapan.
Amsterdam, 1669
Stock#: 18747