Leen Helmink Antique Maps & Atlases



Certificate of Authentication

This is to certify that the item illustrated and described below is a genuine antique
map, print or book that was first produced and published in 1733, today 292 years ago.
January 13, 2025

Dr Leendert Helmink, Ph.D.


First Published

Nuremberg, 1733

This edition


46.3 x 54.6 cms


Copper engraving

Stock number




Antique map of Batavia by Homann
Antique map of Batavia by Homann


The most decorative and sought-after city plan of Batavia (Djakarta, Jakarta), founded by the Dutch VOC and for centuries the pearl of the East Indies.

Homann combines a detailed plan of Batavia with a number of flamboyant views of the City Hall, the Castle, the roadstead and the city as seen from the east (the "morning side"). The lower panel has attractive ethnographic and flora/fauna scenes including Javanese and Ambon warriors, a cayman and a tiger.

Extensive numbered index in the upper left. Outside the city explicit mentioning of the gallow field, the Bishop's mansion, rice and sugar fields, cattle stables, Chinese quarters, fortresses and bastions.

The plan covers the area of the old city with canals and Dutch architecture, today's 'Sunda Kelapa' around the old harbour and fish market and the East India Company warehouses. A magnificent piece of Indonesian and Dutch history in mint condition.


First edition, first and only state. Thick paper. No restorations or imperfections. Crisp flawless imprint of the copperplate. Vibrant original colour, applied by the Homann publishing house at the time of publication. A pristine collector copy of the best map of the city.


Der HOLLAENDISCH - OSTINDIANISCHEN COMPAGNIE Weltberühmte Haupt - Handels und Niederlags _ Stadt BATAVIA, in Asien auf dem grossen Eyland IAVA in dem Königreich Iacatra Nord - Westlich gelegen, nach ihrem Grund _ Ris und Prospect mit Erläuterung einiger ihrer besondersten Merkwürdigkeiten, auf das accurateste vorgestellet von HOMÄNNISCHEN ERBEN. Nürnberg Anno 1733. Cum Privilegio Sac : Caes. Maj.

The DUTCH EAST INDIAN COMPANY World-renowned Capital of Trade and Stronghold City of BATAVIA, situated in Asia on the great Eyland of IAVA in the Kingdom of Iacatra, situated in the North-West, according to its ground plan and Perspectives, with explanation of some of its peculiar curiosities, most accurately presented here by HOMANN HEIRS. Nuremberg Anno 1733. With copyright by the Sacred Great Emperor.

Explanatory Legend

Batavia, vormahls Jacatra genandt, unterm 128. gr. 42. m. Long. und 6. gr. 10. m. Lat., von Amsterdam 3600 Meil und von Bantam in Java 12 Meil entfernt, ist van Holländern A.o 1619. erbaut und wird nicht nur vor die regulairste, sondern auch vor die vesteste Stadt in ganz Indien gehalten, also dass sie schon 3 mahlige Belagerung der Iavanischen Könige ausgestanden. Ihre Rhede ist die sicherste von der ganzen Welt, und dieserhalb curieux, weil nur allein alle Morgen um 10 Uhr ein Nord-Wind, welcher die Chaloupen nach der Stadt führet, und alle Abend um 10. Uhr ein Sudwind, welcher sie wieder in die See treibet, entstehet. In diesem Hafen sämlen sich alle Ostindische Schätze der Holl. Comp. und werden in dieser Gegend stets 12000 Mann nebst 50 Schiffen unterhalten. Die Einwohner sind theils Javaner, Chineser, Malayer, Mohren, Malabaren, theils Hollænder, Frantzosen u. Portugiesen, u. redet man Holl., Malaysch, Portugiesisch, Sinesisch. Batavia ist der Siz des General-Stadthalters aller OstInd. Länder, u. beruhet das Regiment auf 4. Collegys. 1. dem Staats Rath. 2. Dem grossen Rath. 3. Dem Schöppen Stuhl. 4. dem Stadt Gericht.

Batavia, previously named Jacatra, located at 128 degrees 42 minutes Longitude and 6 degrees 10 minutes [Southern] Latitude, 3600 [old Dutch nautical] miles from Amsterdam and 12 miles from Bantam in Java, was built by the Dutch in 1619 and is considered not only the most regulated, but also the strongest city in all of the Indies, so that it has already withstood three times the siege of the Javanese Kings. Its harbor is the safest in the world, and for this reason curious, because only every morning at 10 o'clock a north wind arises, which leads the chaloupes to the city, and every evening at 10 o'clock a south wind arises, which drives them back into the sea. In this harbor and area all East Indian treasures of the Dutch East India Company and 12000 men and 50 ships are always maintained. The inhabitants are partly Javanese, Chinese, Malays, Muslims, Malabars, partly Dutch, French and Portuguese, and the languages spoken are Dutch, Malay, Portuguese and Chinese. Batavia is the seat of the governor general of all the East Indian countries, and the regime is based on four colleges, as follows: 1. the [Dutch] State Council. 2. the [VOC] Great Council. 3. the Bishop's Chair. 4. the City Court.